Futures and async rendering with liftweb

Although liftweb is quite good at some things, one of the things it doesn’t do well is dealing with scala/akka Futures in your HTML rendering code (snippets). If your snippet needs to handle some Futures before rendering the page, you’d be hard-pressed to find a clean looking generic solution.

Lift provides something called lazy-load that can, not surprisingly, lazily render something on a different thread. It takes a normal snippet method, and executes it on a different thread using an actor, and renders it using a comet when it is finished executing. However, it doesn’t handle a Future[CssSel]. So, if you need to deal with a Future in a lazily loaded snippet, you’d still need to await its completion by blocking. Which is not something I’d like to do.

Then, there is this solution by one of the most respected people in Lift community. Here, the initial rendering of your snippet puts some JS on the client-side, which then repeatedly polls the server for the result. This example uses lift’s own LAFutures, but it can be easily adapted to use scala Futures. Although, this is a pretty good solution, I would have liked something along the lines of LazyLoad snippet without having to do explicit polling. Especially because lift has great comet support, and that could be used to render the results when they become available.

So, I put together a little solution that uses the idea behind LazyLoad and allows me to use Futures as easily, and as cleanly, as the “normal” snippet methods.

The code is built on top of one of the stock sample templates that come with lift 2.6 downloads. I have added some comments that should hopefully make the code self-explanatory. Following is a gist of the basic ideas in this “solution”.

Let’s say you have a method named getDetails: Future[List[(String, String)]] that returns some data from a web-service call, and you need to render it on the page. So, here’s what you might have:

class HelloWorld {
  def render(template: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
    AsyncRenderer.render(getAndRenderDetails, template)
  private def getAndRenderDetails: Future[CssSel] = {
    getDetails.map { renderDetails }
  private def getDetails: Future[List[(String, String)]] = ...

This is taken from the sample code repo, but with some details stripped away. The getAndRenderDetails returns a Future[CssSel], instead of a normal CssSel that a lift snippet method is expected to have. In order to make this work, you provide an extra layer above in the render method. Your HTML will refer to this render method.

<div data-lift="helloWorld.render"></div>

The render method, via the AsyncRenderer, returns a placeholder NodeSeq to be displayed on the page while the Future is pending. The placeholder could be anything you want. In my sample, it’s a spinner image, which goes away when the Future completes and we can render the data.

When the Future completes, the AsyncRenderer does the following:

  1. Apply the resulting CssSel to the original template, resulting in a NodeSeq
  2. Create a JsCmd that will set that NodeSeq on the page in its intended place
  3. This JsCmd is then sent to the client using a comet, which results in our data being displayed.

Where did that comet come from? I’m using a basic comet class called CommandComet that can be used for sending JsCmds to the page. If you already have setup an instance of CommandComet on your page before your async snippet (HelloWorld.render) was called, you can pass its name to AsyncRenderer#render. If not, an instance will be setup automatically.

The most important bit here is the creation of a deferred function that will apply your Future[CssSel] to the template. The LiftSession.buildDeferredFunction allows you to execute arbitrary code inside the context of a request, even when you are not in the thread that created that request. This basically allows you to access any RequestVars etc. that you might be needed for rendering. Without using buildDeferredFunction, anything that relied on any kind of request context would fail.

The sample code also contains a working example of how you can handle failed Futures. Also, it’s supposed to be a minimal sample. You can modify/add arguments to the AsyncRenderer#render method to suit your needs and provide more flexibility. For ex. you can allow the users to pass in an optional NodeSeq that can be displayed while the Future is pending.

Well, this is it. Hope it helps.


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